Octa was engaged in 2021 by the CCDHB to develop and manage a Passive Fire Remediation Project after building surveys identified extensive non-compliance. The remediation process required a fire-consultant approved and cost-effective methodology with a range of technical solutions. Detailed coordination with hospital operations minimised disruption in a live covid-affected environment.
The scope included:
Working with internal and external stakeholders to develop and implement the Passive Fire Remediation project beginning with the main building of Wellington Regional Hospital, then through the rest of the campus and off-campus facilities.
Developing a methodology and programme of works, with Steering Committee oversight, to effectively complete the remediation while minimising disruption to hospital operations.
Selecting a Contractor, customising a budget-optimal contract, ongoing contract management and claims review. Managing the works to meet the approved budget.
Coordinating the works throughout the building, communications with impacted areas and staff. Compliance with IPC (Infection Prevention Control) protocols.
Ongoing works QA and H&S inspections. Facilitate Fire Engineer to inspections and approvals.
Preparing Monthly Reports and work with CCDHB to input into the future stage business case.
Developing and monitor all project documentation.
Development of Approved solutions Register for efficient “multiproof” compliance QA and to maximise remediation efficiency
Development of BIM 360 documentation and workflow protocol.
Working with contractor to develop effective IPC compliant methodology, including negative pressure workfaces with anterooms.
Flexible programme to ensure workflow for contractor and adjust to live 110% capacity hospital operational needs.