Octa supported Queenstown Airport Corporation through the Resource Consent, the procurement strategy and the construction phase for the airport extension into an area of Outstanding Natural Landscape. Work involved a 45 metre high earth-fill (over 1,000,000m3 material shifted) at one end, and a frangible blast fence at the other, while keeping the runway operational throughout. To co-ordinate future requirements, an extensive consultation was undertaken with NZTA.
CAA required all international airports to provide RESA (a non-operational safety area at each runway end) by October 2011. The existing runway was bounded by the Frankton Highway and the Shotover River Delta, but QAC was reluctant to give up runway length – so building into the Delta was conceived to avoid offloading passengers.
Octa has managed a number of other QAC projects including Runway Lights, sealing of the Cross Runway, Apron Expansion and the Terminal 2012 expansion.